Monday, May 24, 2010

Egyptian Day Food!

I learned about Egyptian food.I cannot believe that kids drank beer!!!!!
Please put my picture on the blog.
From Andy

Wonderful work!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Later, the ancient Egyptians began burying their dead in coffins to protect them from wild animals in the desert. However, they realised that bodies placed in coffins when they were not suppose to the hot, dry sand of the desert.
Over many centuries, the ancient Egyptians developed a method of preserving bodies so they would remain lifelike. The process included the bodies and wrapping them in strips of linen bandages. Today we call this process mummification.
The earliest ancient Egyptians buried their dead in small pits in the desert. The heat and dryness of the sand dehydrated the bodies quickly, creating lifelike and natural.


How to make a mummy!

Can you read THIS?

Keep up the good reading habits!

Use the internet to find if these statements are true or false.

Egyptian Quiz

Use the Internet to find out if these facts are true or false. If the fact is false see if you can find the true fact.

1. Nefertiti was the main wife of Akhenaton.

2. Tutankhamen became king when he was 17 years old.

3. Men and women wore eye liner.

4. Ancient Egyptians drank beer.

5. Girls from poor Egyptian families got married when they were 12 years old.

6. No training was required to become a scribe.

7. In Ancient Egyptian times police patrols used trained monkeys.

8. All towns and cities were built right on the edge of the River Nile.

9. The first arrowheads used by the Egyptians were made from flint or wood.

10. Pharaohs were carried on palanquins.

11. Egyptian farmers divided the year into 5 seasons.
The Ancient Egyptians always used money to buy things

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Keeping fit and cool!

Another spell!

Spell name: Smarty brain

What does the spell do? This is a spell to make me do my home work.

Ingredients: water, pig brain (because pigs do not use their brain so that there is lots of power left for me), mint (makes you refreshing)

How will you make the spell? Put the ingredients into a pot and fry it and say ‘smarty brain come alive’.

How to use it? Put the spell in a bottle of 7up and make me drink it before doing home work.


Great building!

ooh! so clever!

I drew the river Nile this morning with some details.
I practiced my gym ballet and piano and jazz dance.
I practiced my recorder.

Best wishes

Keep up the work!

Hi this morning I did some reading,thai and maths.I am going to play a game with my mum.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two sisters working together!

Good Spell to cast on whiney brothers and sisters!

An Egyptian spell
Ingredients: 3 Cat’s tails/ 7 Toes/
1 Toad/ 5 apple cores/

6 Frog’s tongues.
Ritual: Sing this song- Hum boom bapa hum boom bapa desca iche bicshe seeeeeeeeeeeeeh TOU!

Best time to do it: Midday.

What the spell will do: It will make people less whiney. By Tom

Egyptian work!

Well done Bam!

I scored 40 correct sums in a minute!
by Bam

Can anyone match that?

This one is great for building pyramids!

Shape website!

Jonathan has a new cool haircut!

The Eifel tower!

Lego pyramid!

A spell to see into the future!

Magic spell

It is to know the future.

Ingredients :

frog skin/1 finger/vomit/snail/teddy bear/can of purple paint/3 gold papers.

You have to say : "lolo bobo wait till it pops".

It only works at Christmas when it is midnight.

By Noa

Wow ! Look what Jonathan's mum and dad have made!

Hard working Isabel!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a shot Ido!

Recorder practice here!

Well done 20 followers! just a few more to go!

Dear all, There is no school on Monday so here are a few ideas of what to do! Music- Please log onto the and go to the music blog to help you with your recorder. Thai, I will see if there is something I can give you for this lesson tomorrow.. ICT Please leave a comment on the Blog an e-mail me some photos of you today! Maths - 3D shape. then My Maths (there is a new activity for you) Literacy part 1 Read for at least 20 minutes today Literacy part 2 Have you done your spelling homework? Literacy part 3 Here are the links to the –le activities Sorting game 1 Sorting game 2 le wordsearch Rocks and soil Have a look at Please take care and make sure you e-mail me to tell me how you are doing, I would like to hear from everybody. Please become a follower on the blog if you have not done so! Marcelle